Greetings from Phnom Penh everyone. I've found myself in the possession of a 15 year old deaf mute girl who lives on the streets at will and is a sort of leader of the street kids whereever she goes. Her name is S'Kun but people call her Srei Ne. She is deaf and mute and likes to sniff glue like the other kids. Looking around their living conditions I think if I were a breathing creature too I'd develop a glue habit myself. She has her own form of sign language that after only three days with her I can already understand. Despite inhaling all that toluene she's a very smart kid. She's so smart she's caught on as to how to write as a subject of a puppet's blog, third-person and all....

Srei Ne Deaf
Mute Child My
Shack-Mate My
Divisor of Palate
My Cleft Heart
My Slum Lord My
Toluene Queen
My Phnom Penh
Phenom Pass Me
The Bag My Blessed
Cambodian Steam
Her Arms Draw
Two Circles I Am
Inside One And You
Not At All Are We
Homeless When We
Are Homeless Together
A Deaf Mute And
Her Puppet "They
Oughta Be In Poems"
(Doo-wah-ooo as I'm
soaring on glue)
This Picture's Worth
Exactly How Many
Laughs? Go Away.

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